Roadmaps for Professional Development

The path to professional success

Whatever form of team development in Surrey our clients seek us out for, one of the foremost goals from our time together is ensure we offer solutions tailored to their particular needs. We will never impose a one size fits all approach and instead take care to truly listen to our clients' context and needs before proposing a solution.


a group of people at a table looking at a sheet of paper of notes in a team building exercise




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Our Coaching Roadmaps


Our coaching services are bespoke and designed to be tailored to the needs of you, your team and your business. 

Please see below for a typical journey through each of our services. 





The 1-1 Coaching Roadmap


1. Introduction & Agreement

  • A client gets in touch to express their interest in our 1-1 Coaching service.
  • We will have an introductory call to find out more about one another, explore the coaching process and see if we would be a good fit for one another.
  • If we decide we would be a good fit for one another, NEM Coaching will prepare a formal agreement outlining objectives, duration, confidentiality
    and all the finer details.



2. Assessment & Goal Setting

  • We begin by supporting the client to ascertain their strengths and areas for growth and to consider what they want to achieve through the coaching.
  • This serves as the foundation for clear and measurable goal setting for the coaching engagement.


3. Coaching Sessions

  • These will be carried out according to the convenience and preferences of the client and can be eg: weekly, biweekly or monthly.
  • We will use a combination of tools, frameworks and freeform conversations to help the client find solutions to their challenges.
  • Our approach will be tweaked organically depending on the client's feedback, insights and reflections. 
  • Depending on the goals of the client, we can support them in developing their leadership, communication, decision-making or any number of skills.
  • Periodic reviews are carried out to track progress and make sure the client is moving in the right direction.



4. Conclusion & Follow-Up

  • The coaching will draw to a close upon the client reaching their objectives or the end of the agreed-upon timeframe.
  • Our final session together will look back at the client's journey and reflect on what they have learnt and the effectiveness of the coaching journey.
  • To keep the client's momentum, we help them to consider how they will continue applying their learning into their personal and professional lives long after the coaching has concluded.
  • Our coaches love to keep in touch, and so are always happy to make themselves available for further support once the initial coaching has come to an end.



Find out more about what our 1-1 Coaching can offer

Find out more below, or schedule in an introductory consultation today. 

1-1 Coaching     Schedule a Consultation




The Team Coaching Roadmap


1. Initial Contract

  • We will make arrangements with the team leader and key stakeholders in the organisation to get the ball rolling.
  • Our conversations will serve to lay out the goals and objectives for our team coaching.



2. Insight

  • We gather insight into how the team currently operates in order to ensure that our design is bespoke to the needs of the team.
  • Each member of the team will get to know their coach with a 1-1 interview in order to better understand their perspectives about the team and themselves as an individual.
  • A wider 360 diagnostic questionnaire can be carried out to gather further data about the team's performance in relation to high performing team indicators, among the team, key stakeholders and direct reports.
  • The data gathered from this questionnaire and the key themes from the interviews is presented to the relevant parties to illustrate possible areas for development.
  • At this stage we will consider how long the programme might be, including the number and type of interventions, ranging from in person off-site meetings, through to shorter skills based masterclasses, team observations and feedback of business as usual meetings, optional 1:1 coaching for team members among other interventions, tailored to the team's needs.



3. Deliver

  • Once the coaching sessions commence, we will work together to agree upon team behaviours moving forward and priority focus areas for team development.
  • We partner with teams over the longer term and usually meet them several times over several months or even years.
  • Team Coaching is usually delivered by two team coaches working with a team and works best delivered in person, though virtual is also possible.
  • Attention will be spent to build trust and psychological safety among the team and with our coaches.
  • We will explore innovative and effective ways of working that benefit the team, sharing best practice and knowledge.
  • We focus on working with the team to improve the areas highlighted through the insight gathered.
  • The collective creativity of the team will be harnessed through ensuring each team member can contribute their best thinking and ideas.
  • We always factor in time for reflection on what is shifting, what's working well and what could be even better.



4. Review

  • At the conclusion of the coaching program, we will take a step back to review progress and results against the objectives laid out at the start.
  • We can re-run to diagnostic survey carried out at the Insight stage to appreciate how far the team and its members have come,
    assessing the return on programme expectations.
  • The team will have the tools and confidence and continuous improvement mindset they need to continue excelling after the team coaching has ended.




Find out more about what our Team Coaching can offer

Find out more below, or schedule in an introductory consultation today. 

Team Coaching     Schedule a Consultation



Leadership Development Coaching


1. Initial Contact & Engagement

  • We will have an initial conversation to get a better understanding of the client's needs, objectives and the organisational context in which they work.
  • We may gather further information about their requirements via surveys, interviews and data analysis.



2. Defining Objectives and Outcomes

  • Once we have gathered all the necessary data, we move onto designing a bespoke leadership development program that
    includes different methodologies, modules and activities according to the client's needs.
  • With this serving as a skeleton, we fill in the details using materials such as facilitator guides, slides, workbooks, pre and post-work
    materials and more.



3. Delivery Method & Implementation

  • The way in which the programme is delivered depends on the client's needs. While virtual learning is both possible and effective, in our experience, leadership development is most powerful when carried out in-person via group cohorts to build greater levels of trust and experience sharing over the course of the programme.
  • If clients have internal facilitators to deliver the leadership development we create, we can also offer ‘Train the Trainer' sessions
    to handover and upskill internal teams.



4. Evaluation & Continuous Improvement

  • Depending on what systems and processes may already be in place at your organisation, we can work within the confines you already
    have or set up our own metrics and evaluation mechanisms to ensure progress is being made.
  • We make it a policy to never rest on our laurels, and are always happy to adjust the program content in response to feedback.





Find out more about what our Leadership Coaching can offer

Find out more below, or schedule in an introductory consultation today. 

Leadership Coaching     Schedule a Consultation